Present Focused Work
Director of Co-Creativity and Design at Next Level Greatness
Director of Team-Teach
Behaviour Support Training
My Circus My Monkeys
My Circus My Monkeys helps people find meaning, and (consequently) clarity and focus in a critical stage of their lives, as they enter – or contemplate – the ‘post-retirement’, or ‘protirement’ journey.
It’s Personal!
A reasonably well known idiom, of Polish descent, the phrase ‘Not my circus, not my monkeys’ basically means ‘not my problem!’ My Circus My Monkeys reverses this perspective, and picks up several key themes we think are important for our target market.
- We trade the illusion of control for the reality of influence
- We make choices – not always easy ones but we do have choices
- We take things seriously but hold them lightly – the affirmation and joy and that comes from resolving serious topics like illness, death, relationships, money etc.
It’s Social!
While the ‘beyond retirement’ journey is unique to the individual, and our research has shown a strong tendency to look inwards, it also inspires and motivates our human need for affiliation and validation, to have the sense of journeying together with others. My Circus My Monkeys provides opportunities for self reflection as a platform for sharing experiences, exchanging ideas and generating affirmative, productive action.